At-home Movie Recommendation # 1 : Arrival ( 2016 Movie)
Arrival(2016 movie) is a one-of-its-kind sci-fi movie which delves into themes of Aliens, language-perception, futurism, world-collaboration and Uncertainty.
Why this recommendation during Quarantine ?
Its themes are synonymous with the current hysteria of dealing with uncertainty in times of Corona Virus Pandemic. You will be hooked onto the narrative right from the first few shots of the movie’s run-time. The story is about the female protagonist, who is tasked with an impossible errand to communicate to an advanced alien species as to their intent at arriving on Planet Earth.
The movie has interesting layers and elements of language-perception and specifically deals with the concept of “sapir-whorf hypothesis” — a hypothesis that the structure of a language determines a native speaker’s perception and categorization of experience. A mind-blowing portrayal of the quagmires of the protagonist as she plugs-in her linguistic abilities to uncover aspects about herself as well as the aliens.
Who stars in it?
Academy award nominees Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner play the lead protagonists. Supporting cast : Forest Whitaker and Michael Stulbarg.
Where can you watch it ?
On Netflix, at home!
Enjoy this feel-good, gripping movie during this pandemic and feel at ease with yourself. Let’s deal with this one day at a time, folks. Happy Weekend!